Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Inspiration of a President

Have you ever been inspired or felt the force of inspiration? Well if you answer is yes, than like you we have all been moved to be great or become apart of greatness.  It is hard to find strength when there is no motivation or never lack of heart to accomplish anything task, big or small.  So there are moments that the spirit needs to be motivated or whipped up into grand movement.  It is that initial inspiration that makes us dream big, hope for greatness or move our souls to ideals near godlike in ecstasy.

I know I have posted a lot of things about politics there are reasons for that of course, but the one I am going to talk about is the President. Yep, that’s right President Barrack Obama. To put it plainly since I heard his speech on race in Philadelphia I have been inspired to believe again.  To believe in the government to do what it was formed to do, and that is to protect and serve the people.  He is inspiring us to do better, to be better, and to try harder and not only for the quick fix we have become accustomed but for the long haul and for the future of all mankind.

He is the embodiment of human potential and the hope that lies ahead on the yellow brick road to borrow a sentiment from Oz.  In the past week he has given two commencements speeches at to universities that I myself would consider hostile. Yet, he stay above the fray and even was able to inspire those detractors (“HATERS”).  That is what a President is supposed to do, to inspire the young to be better than the previous generation, and be a role model to all those around the world on how to be a good leader. We all aspire to be great and with motivation and inspiration we can be, but to actually become great you have to have the core belief of that inspiration whatever that maybe.  As a candidate he found that core belief in all of us which was change and hope, and now as President he inspires us to think, work, and believe in tomorrow and what is beyond tomorrow.  Not only for his political fortune but for the good of all the citizens, now that is inspiration.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

War on Women's Right - Why?

I was fighting the urge to jump into this argument but just to say a couple of things.  Not all conservatives are bad just as not all liberals are evil. It just seems that some of the forces on the conservative side seem to think that a woman's right to choice, and her body is their prevue to governed and control. Yet why not feed the poor, clean up communities, fight the war on drugs.  What is it so important on what a woman decides to do with her body.  Its like a liberal forcing you not to smoke because you kill yourself but that is your right. In the past year or more.  There are been an unabated assault on women's right. Why is that?  What is the point of forcing Komen to bow to your pressure. Who are you saving? And to those in charge at Komen, how are you serving the millions of women in this country by bowing to the will of a couple of women and half thousand men. 

What is the hard-on that the right has with women's right? I mean I thought the whole focus of the 2010 election was to be jobs. Yeah, how is that working out since not one job bill has gotten passed in any state legislature controlled by the GOP. But i may not have all the facts on this but it does seem like some eerily plan to just turn back a clock to yesteryear with no promise of tomorrow. From trying to rollbacks voting rights, civil rights, immigration, union rights, and everything else that isn't nailed down. But women's rights seem to be facing a onslaught as if the second coming was upon us. It is all a matter of prespective but there needs to be some sort of understanding or truce.  Many have to recongized that GOD gave us "FREE WILL" now go mess with your own life and leave the woman down the street, in your home and your work alone.  It's HER BODY and she will do what she DAMN WELL PLEASES TO DO WITH IT! 

Just some thoughts

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What are they taking back? Their "American Dream?"

For almost two years I have heard from the quarters of the GOP and their supporters that they want to take their country back.  They want to take America back! But the question that my cohorts (the American republic) and I always ask is from who and what?  The newest answer is from the socialist elite Nazi guy that the majority Americans voted for and his democratic Chicago thugs you want to tax and spend.  The people who are lazy and want everything given to them. Or better yet to quote one GOP Presidential Nominee, "they need to get a job and take a bath".

But one must wonder really how we got here to this place of discord and malfunction.  How this republic has allowed the mundane to become the battles of punditry, ignorance and just the plain lack of common sense. For one thing what are they really taking back? America of the 1930's, or the 40's or even the 50's? Before we minorities, women, disable rose up for equal rights and protection under the laws of this land. Or for a nostalgic time of where the President of the United States was of a suitable color shade of white. Or before the unions and workforce demanded equal pay, health benefits and the right to organize.  What America are they back?  Mitt Romney stated in his victory speech in New Hampshire that one of his goals is to take America back from some sort of occupier or invasion force.

If memory serves me right at the dawn of the 21st century the GOP was given the to the Kingdom by the highest court in the land. Yes, it was flawed but it was righted and pushing towards a hopeful balance.  Then of course 9/11 happened and then the Afghan War, and they we were tricked into the Iraq war.  We fell apart yet the GOP were the captains of the ship and they sure did pillage us blind.  By the time we all woke up from the dream it was too late the economy was taking and we were facing our Twilight.

Then came to Barrack Obama with his message of hope and change. An we all ate it up by the handful failing to realize that they are nice words to say but getting something done is a whole other matter.  The road blocks in front of him as well as this Republic were vast and require more patience then the lot of us had.  That lack of patience allow a change of course and brought an element of uncertainty.   Yes, we are divided and yes the idea of the "American Dream" is on life support. An yes there is darkness out there and it is vast and ever changing but we are the light and if we don't stand now, we might as not stand at all forever. 

They are wanting to take back everything that is and has become the America of today.  They are wanting to break unions, remove rights to vote, stop the voices of the many, and literally in some cases "bleach" us out.  They want the power of what was then where the few ruled the many and the many cowered in fear from the police, the dogs and water hoses. They want that a woman should be seen but not heard, where brown, black and yellow are silent and know their place.  Where the "American Dream" is only for them whomever them is, yet not see the truth of the matter.  We have been pillaged and plundered for our blood, our treasure and our dreams.  We are the American Republic and we cannot and will not stand by, because if we do it is all lost.