Friday, November 18, 2016

Stop saying they are same - False Pretense of 2016 election

I am getting tired of "liberals/progressives" saying that the candidates who ran for President are the same.  Serious, how in the frack did you come up with that.  What gives you that idea or the audacity to say something like that. Is it because you wanted a candidate like Bernie Sanders to win the nomination of a party he is not really apart of.  A candidate who is using the party apparatus to get elected and the same party rejected him. Yes, some of the powers that be may have done some behind the scenes shadiest but in the end they left it to the voters to decide. Surprise they overwhelming chose someone not Sanders.

Yes, Hillary Clinton was a flawed candidate and she was no Barrack Obama but she was the most qualified person to ever run for the job of President in US history.  She has also been the most attacked person since her days in college by operatives on the right and even now on the left. Strangely, she did not give up and she fought back and stood strong until WE FAIL HER and in doing so FAILED THE REPUBLIC!!!

Donald Trump is a sexual predator, a con artist, a bigot and a philander. He is the opposite of Hillary, in truth he is the worse case scenario opposite of her. So how are they the same. Since the election ended have you once heard the media bring up her emails, have you once her a critical and defaming story about her. I'll wait... Of course not, their goal was to make this election a spectacle  and a ratings bonaza. Most didn't even give an afterthought of what this would do to the country as well as the future generations to come.  They didn't consider the human price that may be paid if he won. So they played the worst devil's advocate and promoters in US history.  In doing so the fourth wall fell and the end of what good journalism was.

Now Bernie Sanders and his supporters are criticizing the democrats for losing everything and not talking ANY blame on themselves.  The protests they held at the convention, the walkouts and petulant child-like screams during the primaries. The pouting and saying "rigged" when they didn't know the rules.  If you are going to do something don't you look up the rules and faqs to find out everything in advance before you do it. Apparently not and so you get angry and make a protest vote.  Or you go on social media and state "neverHillary" or "BernieorBust" and you take your ball and go home.  You don't fight because in your mind they are all the same.  A woman that is qualified is the same as a man who isn't.  That is the lore that you are pushing, that is the false equivalency of the media. That a woman who wasn't president at the time gets blame for a crime bill, while the man who actually voted for it gets put on a pedestal. Really!??! Get the Frack out of here!!

So tell me again how they are the same, tell me what we should do since now we are living our worse nightmare. We are now living under darkness for four years, and that is the only silver lining. That's it! Seriously, that's it.

If you stayed home and not voted or voted in protest for Gary or Jill, or started a realistic protest but didn't vote because you think it doesn't count. Then take a long look at the numbers, take a look on how close the votes were and now wake up and see what is happening.

Look in the eyes of your fellow citizen whose rights, livelihood and freedom is now teetering on let's hope for the best but damn it is going to be bad.  Tell them that Hillary and Trump are the same.  I dare you, because I have a feeling they are going to do one of two things: Curse you the F@@K Out or punch you in the face.  I'm letting you know in advance I am going to do both, you self-righteous, selfishness assholes. Because at the end of the day the Republic is falling and America is quickly becoming AmeriKKA. If you have notice the common theme of the incoming nightmare administration the best analogy would be the United States Pre-1970. The United States of Jim Crow, of Japanese internment camps, United States Of no women rights, the United State of no gay rights, the United States of No loving. Think about that!

So as you stand on your soapbox talking about that the democratic party needs to change because we lost everything take a look at yourself first. You had a hand in our losses, you had a hand in this election. You rallied for your candidate but after defeat because he didn't win and you don't personally like HRC you stayed home or casted a protest vote.  You only thought about yourself and not the country as a whole so let me put it this way as polite as I can: "GO FUCK YOURSELF!"
That's from me and most liked minded folks. So now get in line with us and own up to your selfish mistake and help us "Resist".  We have four years of the Long Night, and probably two generations of no justice. So as Hillary stated "Stronger Together", and if you don't like that shut up and go home.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

My Anger Subsides & Now we fight! Resist

My anger subsided and logic is flowing back into my heart and mind. Today is day one of the resistance, I will hope that the next four years we make our voices heard. In two years we fight to take back the house and Senate. Yes, we took a very painful L on Tuesday but it isn't time to just give up. Yes, about 50% of us decided not to exercise their civic duty and that is on them. They can't complain or worry or even speak a word of self-righteousness or ill-will because they have lost that right and our respect. 
We must now think of our fathers and mothers, our brothers and sisters and our children and their children. We must be prepared that there is a high chance that our blood and treasure may be spilled on some god forgotten battlefield for no reason than pride. We must remember to hold those who fight for us dear to our hearts. They are our defenders, they go where they are told without a second thought (shout out to the 24th marine expedition 2/2, USS Rampage, USS Denver, and the personnel at Coronado and do on). 
We are entering a time that is almost straight out the Game of Thrones. Winter has come and we have a mad king and we are Robert's rebellion minus all the bloodshed and death. At least I hope so, God I hope so. Remember we are Americans and when tested we rally and we fight. We will not let racism, sexist and hate control us for four years without question. Be ready, stay strong, Love thy neighbor and pray. Because as we enter the long night we have to remember like before there will be hope. A little glimmer of hope can go a long way. 
So take some time from the politicking after this week's L, go have a couple of drinks, find ways to laugh. Shoot hoops or play soccer with your kids while explaining and preparing them for what is to come. Have the "Talks"; when you are ready to have them. Get active by finding groups and/or forums to participate in, donate time, donate pennies, shout from the rooftops (shout out to my group UnitedBlue). Don't sit on your laurels and whine, fight. 
An say to yourself, "I will not be allow myself to feel defeated, I will not go quietly into the night. I will fight to my last ounce of strength, to my last breath for me and my fellow man. That we are citizens of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and I will not allow my Republic to fall." Godspeed and with all the love. Let us begin!
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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Do What You Want: An Open Letter to the Bernie or Bust Movement on Behalf of the Democratic Party

Do What You Want: An Open Letter to the Bernie or Bust Movement on Behalf of the Democratic Party: The Bernie or Bust movement believes themselves to be indispensable.
However, much like the Hillary or Bust movement in 2008 these folks will
inevitably either jump on board with the Democratic Party's nominee or will
go down as a simple footnote in history.

Speaks volumes that for the second time in the past 8 years this is needed to be said.  So I ask myself the question that needs to be answered.  Where do you stand? What do you care about? Is winning really everything? Why?  Also finally, and what lengths would an individual go to screwed over his/her fellows citizens and children. Makes you think right?

Just Saying

Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Table Conversation - I Witnessed & What I Learned

There are moments when you are just sitting minding your own busy when suddenly you ears flutter to people talking.  Well, for me it happen to be at a birthday party for a friend of my wife and I was sitting with a elder couple and a somewhat late thirties white male.  They were talking about politics and their points of view on the going on of the world.   

At first, I would have to admit I try to pay no mind, but their conversation drew me in with every passing moment till I eventually would take part. I would say that it was one of the highlights of the party for me, because it allowed for two sides of the coin to have a decent non-troll like conversation that is missed in today’s political lexicon.  Adults have an deep and interesting conversation in which they can find points to agree on and points to adamantly disagree on.  They share their perspectives of free market to the birth and success of Obamacare.  The nuance of the their talking points and deep thought thrilled me in which I wish I could have that with some of the people I met on twitter.  

So I am sitting there listening to what he can be called a “free-thinking” conservative and a moderate liberal. It was a cordial but heated debate at times but mostly subdued.  It was a political conversation that we all wish we can have with family, friends or strangers.  It was conversation done with respect and also fostered good human decency between the two viewpoints. 

It makes you wonder what does it really mean to be political involved? Does being mean-spirited and rude show that you are or is it allowing both sides to air their opinions and find common ground. 

So a table conversation is still a possibility in this modern political era, where hostility and who is the loudness seems to drown out common sense and human decency.   

Where does that leave us? Is there a way that we can come back from where we stand now and take a seat at the Table again? It is an idea and maybe it can become a reality. Wishful thinking I guess

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Seeing & Telling the Truth of Our Republic

I was going to say anything but most of you commenters on Yahoo and other sites are seriously delusional and require an actually education in truth. For whose party nearly bankrupted this country  and stole from the social security fund the Republicans, who funded a group that would become Al Qaeda the republicans.  Who let he rich steal all our money and stash it overseas plus send the bulk of our jobs overseas mostly republicans and Clinton's NAFTA.  Who broke the middle east more the Republicans. Who is currently behind the destruction of the safety of every citizen of this republic the Republicans.  see Flint, MI; Florida, Louisiana, Texas; hell any Southern and Midwest state suffering economic and/or environmental calamity.  Most at the hands of a party that is full of hating teenage acting old white men  and some few women that dislike the ideas the future and progress. They can't offer any solutions but tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts for the rich. Spend on military hardware but none on the people who use it, and then tax cuts for the rich.  That's their and your answer for everything.  You vote against your interest and blame someone else for the problems and consequences of your votes.

You let hatred and your rage remove you as a compassionate citizen of this country and the world.  You make non-nonsensical arguments and deny the truth, deny science and deny what is right in front of your bloody eyes.  No one took your job, your company gave your job away so they don't have to spend money on you.  You can't benefit from a union if you don't contribute to it said union.  You can't blame the education system if you keep plundering it to let private organizations of mostly rich people fund so called "charter schools".  You can't blame minorities for not wanting to be killed by law enforcement on any given day and come back with that "All Lives Matter" bullshit. Because we all know you mean white people lives not minorities.  You can't blame women who want to decide what they do with their bodies, and wanting to have equal and fair pay like their male counterparts.  You can blame people for wanting to marry the person they love and live as they should; happy. 

We can only blame ourselves, so take responsibility as most of you like to put it when it comes to non-whites and realize: 1. You are not a native of this country unless you are an Native American; 2. America is not going to fall anytime soon and that we are the best; 3. We as a country have always been great and no lies will take that away from us; 4. We always lead and sometimes we have to let others have a chance. we can't be the police of the world. when you think that we make mistakes i.e. Iraq; the world; 5. We are the sum of our parts and in doing so we rise and fall together; 6. NO ONE IS TAKING YOUR GUNS, it is literally impossible so stop; 7. Climate Change is real because if you live where it isn't suppose to snow and it did then hello wake the frack up, or better yet it was 70 degrees on Christmas and you live in a state above the Mason-Dixon line and it was suppose to be cold. THAT'S CLIMATE CHANGE!  8. Some of you are basically saying you and hopefully in jest that you are for cancer, and mass shootings, and rigged elections, and the 1% stealing and hording all the money; and don't forget you have no taste for people who do not look like you. If that is true, you have not learned anything over the course of your life but ignorant bliss of facts. Prove the over 68% of your fellow citizens wrong.
God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America. To the Republic !