Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Seeing & Telling the Truth of Our Republic

I was going to say anything but most of you commenters on Yahoo and other sites are seriously delusional and require an actually education in truth. For whose party nearly bankrupted this country  and stole from the social security fund the Republicans, who funded a group that would become Al Qaeda the republicans.  Who let he rich steal all our money and stash it overseas plus send the bulk of our jobs overseas mostly republicans and Clinton's NAFTA.  Who broke the middle east more the Republicans. Who is currently behind the destruction of the safety of every citizen of this republic the Republicans.  see Flint, MI; Florida, Louisiana, Texas; hell any Southern and Midwest state suffering economic and/or environmental calamity.  Most at the hands of a party that is full of hating teenage acting old white men  and some few women that dislike the ideas the future and progress. They can't offer any solutions but tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts for the rich. Spend on military hardware but none on the people who use it, and then tax cuts for the rich.  That's their and your answer for everything.  You vote against your interest and blame someone else for the problems and consequences of your votes.

You let hatred and your rage remove you as a compassionate citizen of this country and the world.  You make non-nonsensical arguments and deny the truth, deny science and deny what is right in front of your bloody eyes.  No one took your job, your company gave your job away so they don't have to spend money on you.  You can't benefit from a union if you don't contribute to it said union.  You can't blame the education system if you keep plundering it to let private organizations of mostly rich people fund so called "charter schools".  You can't blame minorities for not wanting to be killed by law enforcement on any given day and come back with that "All Lives Matter" bullshit. Because we all know you mean white people lives not minorities.  You can't blame women who want to decide what they do with their bodies, and wanting to have equal and fair pay like their male counterparts.  You can blame people for wanting to marry the person they love and live as they should; happy. 

We can only blame ourselves, so take responsibility as most of you like to put it when it comes to non-whites and realize: 1. You are not a native of this country unless you are an Native American; 2. America is not going to fall anytime soon and that we are the best; 3. We as a country have always been great and no lies will take that away from us; 4. We always lead and sometimes we have to let others have a chance. we can't be the police of the world. when you think that we make mistakes i.e. Iraq; the world; 5. We are the sum of our parts and in doing so we rise and fall together; 6. NO ONE IS TAKING YOUR GUNS, it is literally impossible so stop; 7. Climate Change is real because if you live where it isn't suppose to snow and it did then hello wake the frack up, or better yet it was 70 degrees on Christmas and you live in a state above the Mason-Dixon line and it was suppose to be cold. THAT'S CLIMATE CHANGE!  8. Some of you are basically saying you and hopefully in jest that you are for cancer, and mass shootings, and rigged elections, and the 1% stealing and hording all the money; and don't forget you have no taste for people who do not look like you. If that is true, you have not learned anything over the course of your life but ignorant bliss of facts. Prove the over 68% of your fellow citizens wrong.
God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America. To the Republic !